Find your next addiction: books like Harry Potter

Books to check out if you loved Harry Potter. Are you a Potterhead but not restricted to just JK Rowling’s famed franchise? Do you want to explore more such titles in the fantasy genre that will reel you into the world of magic just like the Harry Potter series did? Then, do check out the […]
Harry Potter Books in Order

What up, fellow literary nerds! Here for another dose of fun and informative content? Whether you’re a Potterhead or not, there is no escaping the magic and adventure contained within the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. Once it’s unleashed, you will be trapped within this universe, and there’s no going back. And if you […]
The 20 best Danielle Steel Books

Before we begin, let me tell you a bit about Danielle Steel, just in case a lot of you might not know about her. Steel is a renowned author who is mainly known for her work in the romance genre. Seriously, visit any book store, and there’s no escaping a shelf full of Danielle Steel […]
10 Greek Mythology Books You Should Read Today

Are you like me and easily find yourself intrigued by the tales of Greek gods and goddesses? Then do enjoy this list of books on Greek mythology as well as retellings of the same. They are suitable for both young and old tastes: 1) Heroes: Mortals and Monsters, Quests and adventures by Stephen Fry In […]